// All elements designed, directed and animated by Joe Presser;

// After Effects, Cinema4D;
// Blender, Illustrator;
// Premiere, Encoder;

// 2D, 2.5D, 3D, hand-drawn;

// collage, character, motion;

// Chicago -- NYC -- Portland, ME;

// @underpresser on Instagram

// REEL Breakdown:

// :05 - :06 - - “Tap Into That Code” : The Atlantic

// :06 - :09 - - “Hacking Humanity” : Al Roker Entertainment

// :10 - :12 - - Seeker - Baby

// :12 - :14 - - “Forging the Future” : Al Roker Entertainment

// :14 - :17 - - “Voting Booth” : PrioritiesUSA

// :17 - :20 - - “Sploot Fruits” : Vayner Media && Creative Roots

// :20 - :21 - - “Super Rewards” : YouTube Corporate

// :25 - :26 - - “Face 2 Face” : MattFX

// :26 - :28 - - “Icon Pack” : KiwiCO

// :28 - :29 - - “Something Better” : VaynerMedia && Certara

// :29 - :31 - - “Hummus Hotline” : ACB && IthacaHummus

// :32 - :34 - - “Daga v Maga” : BFD && Mik Moore Productions

// :34 - - “Need Statement” - SolarWaveStudios && The Nature Conservancy

// :35 - :38 - - “Access for All” : TBrand

// :38 - :41 - - “Reeling : Erostratus

// :41 - :43 - - “In the Mix with MattFX” : GeniusKitchen && Food.com

// :45 - :47 - - NBC News - Workouts

// :47 - :49 - - CNN - Bureaucracy of ISIS

// :50 - :52 - - SERHANT - School of Business    

// :52 - :57 - - NBC NEWS - Wasteland